Characteristics of adequate self-assessment

Self-assessment is a self-assessment of its own special qualities: both perevag and incomplete. Boo, there are two kinds: that is adequate, that is inadequate. Oskіlki we live in society, and there is always one kind of one, the adequacy of the place is better than the middle of special qualities, which is infused into the interaction between people.

Likewise, your assessment may not be considered as underestimated or underestimated. One of the main criteria for assessing the adequacy of self-assessment is the level of health of people's plans. For example, if a person, with the apparent manifestation of all the necessary factors, does not believe in himself, and a positive result is a situation of underestimation of himself. And as long as the plans are fantastic and unrealistic, the self-assessment is envious.

Zagalom the most beautiful skin privacy situation okremo. The indicator is to blame for the error of the result. In that case, if the person has successfully fit in from the staff, as far as she has made a statement, we can talk about the objectively underestimation of her special qualities. Another indicator can be a thought of a renowned expert in this galuzy, by directing his vimogs to the test. In the given vypadku about a concrete-situational self-assessment, as I tend to be viral with respect to dosvid.

How do you assess the adequacy of a special self-assessment?

The assessment is adequate for itself - the price, as it is based on the real facts and results, according to the possibility of an active assessment of your abilities, not envy or underestimation, as well as intertwining your mind with the average of people. If it’s about immaturity, the specialty hasn’t been formed before the end, then it’s a special self-assessment that is most often found in the form of assessments of people who feel good, as it may be pardonable and don’t expect to give an adequate picture of the real. Adequate special assessment to myself vvazhatimutsya one of the main signs of maturity.

The problem of inadequate self-assessment

I am inadequate for self-assessment to respect the workmanship of psychotherapeutic involvement. It is the most beautiful formulation, sponukaє to dіy. If you are looking for a problem, immediately there will be negative images, which can be irritating to people. Problems, most often, can be violated for additional help. And if it costs more specifically, it’s simpler to see it.

Would you need to think about the adequacy of the assessment to yourself?

The opinion is unambiguous - it is required, and the axis for whom:

  • schob virivnyati rivn house and take the form of healthy ambitions;
  • I can tell my mother about the special adequacy of the people.
    It is visible on a specific butt. Even in the period of the session, a student before a skin sleep panic on the topic of "not going to see anything", but because of an effort to show it quickly, so it is possible to take into account a kind of underestimated self-assessment. I would like to have a special character - all the drama is smart.

The upcoming important moment, on which it is necessary to zupinitisya, those that are adequate self-assessment can be worthwhile. Everything is based on the specific situation and the health of the people. Realistically, knowing that you can't do it - self-assessment is adequate; I am more adequate to self-assessment of those people, who did not feel like they didn’t think they’d accepted the solution, but the reason.

Name the adequacy of self-assessment of growth in proportion to the disclaimer of admission: if a person is from their sides, having learned about the subject of nutrition in a report, you can give a real assessment of your knowledge and abilities. And it’s not like it’s saying that most often it’s not the one who’s not in the water, but the one who’s just pushing (it’s the very thing, who’s overwhelmingly overwhelming his ability).

The assessment of people to themselves can change due to the incessant growth of factors, adjusting the mood and the fact that you won’t have any problems with women, up to some serious circumstances and specific working tools.

In the Ideal, the skinny is guilty of pragmatism until it appears to abstract out all the problems for a greater success, but above the situation, especially in order to give an adequate assessment.